Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back To Reality

School starts tomorrow, so today ends my nice winter break. In some ways I am looking forward to school, and in other ways I wish that I had a few more weeks of break time. For anyone reading this, I sure could use prayer this semester. I have two hard core science classes (Anatomy & Physiology II & Chemistry II) and then Developmental Psychology (oh, joy), Spanish I, Aerobics, and Self-defense. The only class I'm really not looking forward to would be my psych class, but it's online, so hopefully I can just skim by that one. I believe that many issues are diagnosed as psychological when they should be diagnosed as internal cardiac (aka, sin) issues. Just one more semester until I am able to transfer and really start nursing school.

And now my favorite medical verse...
"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" (Proverbs 17:22, ESV).