Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's 2009 already? Wow!

We had a wonderful holiday season. Christmas week was spent down at my mom's parents' house and we had so much fun enjoying each others company.

This is the year that I've been waiting for since 2005... Paul and I are getting married this year!
I am so excited about having my own little home & my own husband to cook & clean for, and to love. I'm so looking forward to being a wife and joining hands in our daily walk with the Lord.

The year is sure to be full of busy-ness! I start back to nursing school soon, coach cheerleading, work with the church youth, have premarital counseling sessions, need to spend time with family, friends & Paul, am a chair in the student government, have applied for a part time job, and somehow I'm supposed to find time for wedding planning & house hunting!! I'm very thankful that the Lord has everything in His hands.

Paul and I started a "read through the Bible in a year" study. So far, we have been consistent for the first four days. I think I'm terrified of getting behind since we're reading 4 chapters a night. For the past couple of years, we've been used to reading 1 chapter a night together, so this is quite a step up. However, we're really enjoying this study & it's so fulfilling be reading so much of God's Word and to have a years worth of a plan! Usually, we just choose a book and read through it, but this should be a helpful motivation to read books like Leviticus. Don't get me wrong, I love all of the Bible, but some books are just harder to read than others & I don't feel like I've learned much after reading a chapter (like Ezra 2 the other night... lots of names & numbers, not much application).

This week I want to remember: We are dust. He is God.

"All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return" (Ecclesiastes 3:20, ESV).